PO Box 23907, Doha, Qatar
Talk To Expert: +974 33872628

Quality Policy


Quality Policy

FIT is committed to ensure accurate and timely services and to continuously meet or exceed the  stated or implied expectations of our clients by:

1.Providing accurate, timely delivery of our services to our customers.

2. Managing our business by meeting the needs of our customers.

3. Personnel familiarize themselves with quality documentation and implement the policies and  procedures in their work.

4. Maintaining a mode of continuous improvement by way of employing qualified personnel’s,  addition of new equipment, enhancing skills of personnel through training/ refresher courses  etc.

The goal behind these procedures is to direct the staff of FIT with regard to their required duties,  and to provide sufficient assurance that the work undertaken by FIT shall achieve fitness for  purposes in every service, by planned and systematic methods that determine, assess and achieve  quality.

The top management and employees of Firestop Insulation Technologies are strongly committed to

ensure compliance to FIT policy.
